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Looking to select an Agent?

by Zimmermann on September 6, 2021
Looking to select an Agent?

The decision to sell has been made and it is time to select the right agent. An agent who can fit best into your plan, expectations and deliver the results you need.

Establish attributes

  • Trust
  • Experience
  • Buyer Network
  • Property presentation and content
  • An independent or brand name Agency
  • Market Knowledge
  • Social Media Presence
  • Rate My Agent, Google, Facebook or Realestate Portal Reviews
  • Feedback from a trusted source
  • Loyalty – repeat business or word of mouth
  • Communications
  • Personable
  • Technology use
  • Results – Best price and Best Buyer
  • Commission Rate
  • Marketing Costs
  • Campaign and Marketing Processes

Compare them to each other

With some research you should be able to match the strengths of an agent with your top attributes.

At Zimmermann Agency we see ourselves as good all-rounded agents with a deep commitment to serve and deliver exceptional results.

Contact us to see how we add value and find you the best buyer and price.

Our Marketing and Selling Campaign Service


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