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Basketball plus great food in Marrickville

by Zimmermann on June 2, 2021
Basketball plus great food in Marrickville

This is an ideal catch up with friends with active kids! I’d also add uncles or aunties can take the lead on this too. This is a great combination, great food and menu, warm outdoor seating area and a basketball court! Parents or carers can relax, talk and eat while someone from the group takes the lead with the kids and play a little basketball or soccer. Swap out as required. Its very friendly, and the kids will love it. Parents get to catch up and have a drink without the stress.

Big shout to the legend who painted this wall at the VIC on the park hotel in Marrickville.

Unfortunately, this space may be repurposed for parking, however a petition at is underway to preserve the space as is. Go to @viconthepark and follow the link. Scroll through and enjoy the festive vibe.

Menu recommendation is the superfood salad with chicken.

Lets keep in touch.

